
At Work

AT WORK is a lavishly illustrated book charting Neutelings Riedijk Architecten competition entries, realized and unrealized projects.

Clear geometric forms become sculptural buildings when given a thin skin of decorative patterns by Neutelings Riedijk Architects. Their buildings are icons whose facades give surprising views inwards. Inside, the space is captured as a formgiving element tantalizing the senses. This book takes the reader through the many layers in their work, past competition entries and from realized to unrealized projects. In this enlightening overview of ten years, model studies, cartoons, photos and plans serve to illustrate sixteen themes that vary between sculpture and pattern, cavity and stacking, arrangement and silhouette, weight and texture.

Projects include: the Y Towers (Sporenburg, Amsterdam), the Minnaert Building (Utrecht) and the MAS Museum (Antwerp). Arranged into themes presenting texts and illustrations on skin and patterns, hollows and patios, model studies of the sculptures and silhouettes, cartoons, photos and plans.

At Work | ISBN: 90.6450.508-9

Also available in Dutch: Aan het werk | ISBN: 90.6450.527-6

010 Publishers